City of Unley

The City of Unley is recognised for its community spirit, natural and built environment, business strength and innovative leadership.Community Plan 2015

City of Unley Social Media Disclaimer

Materials and information on this site are provided to share information on matters of public interest related to the City of Unley.

The information contained on this site is intended to supplement, not replace, information provided through official City of Unley channels, such as the City of Unley website ( and the links contained therein.

Likewise, this site should not be treated as a first point of contact for the City of Unley. For matters requiring immediate attention, contact the City of Unley Civic Centre on 8372 5111 or email

The information contained on this site is provided 'as is' and whilst the City of Unley operates within the terms of use and does not control the site, there is an expectation that professional courtesies will apply. It is therefore expected that all communication disseminated by this site will comply with the City of Unley’s internal policies and procedures namely the Code of Conduct for Employees and Volunteers, the Public Statements and Media policies. Should any comment not comply (due to unacceptable language or defamatory comments) the City of Unley reserves the right to delete the message and the linked conversation.

The information in this site is not intended to serve as legal or financial advice. The City of Unley disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, for any links to third parties, or any improper or incorrect use of them as a result of using 3rd party social networking websites. Users participate at their own risk, for their own benefit and in doing so, accept that they have no right of action against the City of Unley related to such use.
The City of Unley cannot and does not guarantee your privacy on 3rd party social networking websites as users are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific application. Users should review and agree to the 3rd party terms and conditions prior to participating.

If you have any questions or would like to report a comment in violation please contact us on ph 8372 5111
